Irshad A. Khan
Founder/CEO, Creative Club

Irshad Anwer Khan, the visionary Founder/CEO of Creative Club, brings 28 years of expertise in the media industry. Having played diverse roles, including at Imagine Entertainment, Irshad has deep insights into every layer of broadcasting, from television commercials to feature films. Irshad’s knowledge extends to crafting outlines for Studio Binder’s screenwriters, including novelists, drama, and film writers. His unique approach to script coverage, delivered through his creative team, focuses on character development and thematic relevance to enhance marketability. As a screenplay consultant, Irshad has provided in-depth analysis on over a thousand scripts, challenging writers to transcend conventional storytelling methods. His work with national and international television, film, and digital platforms reflects his commitment to delivering insightful and thought-provoking content.

Discover Our Identity and Mission

Who We Are

Comprising a dynamic team of over 100 Creative Club members from diverse corners of the world, we transform creative ideas into reality across various mediums – from broadcasts, films, theater, and radio to digital platforms (OTT).

Our Purpose

Globally, we strive to produce premier content products and foster the most exceptional creative community. In doing so, we provide inspiration and unleash creativity, enabling our clients to breathe life into their imaginative concepts.

Our Guiding Star

At the core of our mission is the empowerment of individuals to manifest their creative visions. We empower our creative community through inspiration, knowledge, support, and the exchange of ideas.

Creative Club Team Script Coverage

Our team specializes in bold and insightful script coverage, unlocking the full potential of short films, television scripts, feature films, theatre, radio, and digital platforms (OTT). In addition to providing coverage on treatments and outlines, our script consultants offer advanced evaluations that delve into plot intricacies, structure, character development, theme, dialogue, and screenplay. Our content consultants go beyond surface-level plot evaluations, delivering holistic assessments. Not only do we identify areas for improvement, but we also offer actionable suggestions aligned with the creative vision, elevating the story and script to its zenith.

Creative Club Team Proofreading & Formatting Service

Our team ensures perfection by providing proofreading and formatting services, eliminating spelling and grammatical errors. We meticulously format scripts to align with professional standards, delivering a polished PDF with annotations in red, providing a clear understanding of the changes made.
Click the button below to explore a sample of our proofreading and formatting service.